
Expert programming for exceptional education

Becoming a Build Fellowship university partner means your students have access to experiential learning, with 1:1 domain-specific training by foreign national experts working in the fastest growing industries.

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Bringing The Build Fellowship to your campus

student writing whiteboard

Career services for ambitious students

The Build Fellowship offers students access to global expertise, providing world-class subject matter training and hands-on Build Projects. These experiences offer real industry exposure, a global perspective, and mentorship opportunities for ambitious students.

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Immigration solutions for international students

Partnering with international student departments, The Build Fellowship serves as an immigration solution for students finishing Optional Practical Training (OPT) or alumni in need of a cap-exempt H-1B visa pathway.

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Offer your students access to a national network

Our national network of Fellowship programs enables international students and alumni to pursue high-growth careers, continue working for their companies, or start their own businesses in the U.S.

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Student participants
Reported feeling prepared for their first job
Believe the build fellowship should be offered at more schools
How it works

The Build Fellowship steps



Students apply to projects most suited to their background and career aspirations. They must meet the prerequisites to be considered for selection. Each project is 8-weeks long, operating on a rolling basis.



Selected students participate in weekly live sessions with a Build Fellow. Each student works with a Build Fellow employed by one of our non-profit partners to produce a deliverable worth adding to their portfolio.



After participating in all project modules and bringing their project to fruition, students will receive a certificate of completion.


College & university partners

Project spotlight

Read Shritesh’s story

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