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Individual benefactor sample email


I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to share a promising solution to my work visa situation that would enable me to work and live in the U.S. This solution is a cap-exempt H-1B visa through The Build Fellowship.

The Build Fellowship is an organization whose mission is to provide career pathways for everyone, no matter where they are from. They offer a cap-exempt H-1B visa solution for foreign nationals like me. If accepted, I would work part-time with The Build Fellowship’s nonprofit partners as a Fellow, allowing me to live in the U.S. and pursue full-time employment opportunities for up to three years, with the opportunity to apply for an additional three-year extension.

My work as a Fellow directly advances the U.S. education system, where I would train and mentor students in my area of expertise. Joining The Build Fellowship would also make me significantly more appealing to potential employers, highlighting my capabilities in my field.

To join the Fellowship, you, as the individual benefactor, would need to fund me for this opportunity. See this info session video for a detailed overview, including benefits, next steps, and costs. I have provided a snapshot with a more detailed breakdown of the costs below.

While I understand this is a significant financial commitment, I believe that joining The Build Fellowship is critical to my success in the U.S. The skills and experience I will gain from training students and networking will benefit my future and improve my chances of being hired by a best-in-class employer.

If you would like to learn more you can visit Let me know if you have any questions. I appreciate your consideration.



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