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The Build Fellowship & nonprofit relationship

Roles & responsibilities

Every organization that The Build Fellowship partners with will have its own mission and programmatic goals.

The Build Fellowship manages operations, immigration legal processes, and compliance needs, allowing you to stay focused on achieving your mission.

The role of partner organizations is to run their program effectively by leveraging the expertise of part-time foreign national employees.

Companies are responsible for paying program fees. The Build Fellowship covers the partner’s cost of employing the foreign national and provides a stipend to support the operational cost of running the partnership program.

Build’s Partnership Program provides your organization with the infrastructure, technology, and compliance to run a best-in-class program.

  • Fellowship application management software
  • Program administration and compliance
  • Foreign national evaluation and placement
  • Coordination with immigration attorneys
  • Coordination with concurrent employer
  • Liaising for University partnerships
  • Education program support and tool
  • HR, recruitment, and hiring support
  • Microsite development and management
  • Marketing and communications toolkit
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